New Challenges Await

Friday marks my last day working at []. I've gotten do a lot of great things, from throwing down with RavenDB to hopping on some serious Node.js bandwagons. I've even migrated to a more linux based ecosystem, which has been…

Practicing Functional Programming: Logic

Most of what I want to write about today can be found in Chapter 3 of An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus, by Greg Michaelson. However, I'll be working through it with JavaScript to try and give it some tangible application. Disclaimer: this isn't…

Practicing Functional Programming: Vectors

I've been on a bit of a functional programming kick lately, and it's all starting to click. I came across some vector math for character movement in games [] , and it seemed like a nice exercise to…

Finding Missing Handlebars Views

Just a quick post about a solution I thought up to finding missing handlebars views in my project. grep -oEr "{{> [-a-zA-Z0-9\/_]+" ./app/server/views | grep -oE "[-a-zA-Z0-9\/_]+$" | sort | uniq | while read -r line ; do if [ ! -e "./app/server/views/partials/$line.hbs" ] then…

Colorful Comment Markers in Emacs

Earlier this year I switched to a (mostly) monochromatic theme for coding in emacs. It has been a great experiment so far. I even tried switching back to a colorful theme the other day, and it was so distracting that I ended up switching back. Even though I'm…

A Toy Leveled Cache in Node.js

I wanted to try an experiment around improving caching performance in Node.js while using redis. One of the ideas I came up with was to build a leveled cache that can work primarily with something in-memory (like eidetic []), falling back to a secondary cache…

On Empowerment Through Declarative Programming

Lately I've been pairing with my good friend, Caleb Gossler [], on some atypical Node.js at work. To be honest it's not the most interesting work to talk about. Rather than go into the bland details I thought I'd extrapolate…

On Running Node.js Applications in Emacs

Each day I find myself integrating more and more of my workflow into emacs. This time I realized that it would be nice to be able to run my applications without having to tab over to a terminal. It is not a very straight forward path to make this work,…