RavenDB 2.0: Replication Stats

The Replication bundle now includes a responder for reporting its stats. To access it, make a request to this Url on your raven server: /databases/<database>/replication/info. The response will look something like this: { "Self": "http://johnspc:4001/databases/Hammer", "MostRecentDocumentEtag"…

RavenDB 2.0: Replication Configuration

Raven Studio got some love in RavenDB 2.0 [http://ayende.com/blog/160129/what-is-up-with-ravendb-2-0]. You can download [http://ravendb.net/download] an unstable build from Raven's site to check it out (which I strongly encourage). Among the many changes to the studio is the ability to administer…

RavenDB: Learn to Use the HTTP API

If you haven't spent some time with RavenDB's HTTP API, it would definitely be worth your while. Learning to query Raven directly from a URL will open a lot of doors to figuring out what is going on inside the database. Head over to the Chrome…